Letter: Supporting efforts for digital literacy

The Daily News’ April 12 editorial, “Bridging the digital divide,” shines a critical spotlight on the impact of the digital divide in communities north of Boston, and the work of organizations like the Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF), which is convening a broad-based effort to provide residents with the digital devices, internet connectivity, and skills training they need to participate in our increasingly digital world.

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What’s Happening with ECCF

On April 8, 2021, George Binns hosted ECCF’s Stratton Lloyd and Kate Machet on “What’s Happening in Beverly MA” to discuss the background and activities of ECCF with emphasis on the Digital Divide/Equity.

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Our View: Bridging the digital divide

COLUMN IN THE EAGLE TRIBUNE SEE ORIGINAL ARTICLE IN THE EAGLE TRIBUNE HERE. If we didn’t lead digital lives before the pandemic, we certainly do now. We’ve been to class and work from our kitchen tables. We’ve visited with grandchildren and gone to the doctor on Zoom....

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Column: Now is the time to bridge the digital divide in Essex County

Column: Now is the time to bridge the digital divide in Essex County

The digital divide is not new. For decades, there has been a wide and growing gap between the information haves and the have-nots. But as it has done so often in the last eight months, COVID-19 has blown the roof off another longtime disparity that has become one of the most pervasive challenges of this pandemic.

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Hope in Crisis: Exploring the Possibilities Post COVID-19

On March 11, 2020, we were thrust into a global health crisis that has so profoundly affected our way of life. Over the last three months, the Coronavirus pandemic has leveled unprecedented personal, societal, organizational and economic challenges against us, and it has exposed longstanding needs and inequities like rocks revealed in the receding tide.

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  1. 175 Andover Street, Suite 101
    Danvers, Massachusetts 01923