Column: Systems of support help local students make gains

Column: Systems of support help local students make gains

Though the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students is not yet fully known, what we do know – and what the early data confirms – is that learning has suffered, equity gaps have widened and the time to come together to create systems that work for all students is now.

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Essex County Creative Economy to Get Boost from State Grant

ECCF-led virtual platform will distribute and promote region’s digital creative content Essex County’s cultural organizations and artists will soon have a powerful tool to aid in their economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a $230,000 grant from the...

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Arts in Crisis: Huge Losses Signal Need for Collaboration to Recover

Arts in Crisis: Huge Losses Signal Need for Collaboration to Recover

Published in North of Boston Business March 24, 2021
They were the first to close and will be among the last to fully reopen. Theaters, performance venues, live music spots, museums and galleries: they make our communities more vibrant, they help drive the local economy, and they serve as epicenters of creative expression, cultural representation and togetherness.

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Column: The COVID effect and the challenge ahead

Column: The COVID effect and the challenge ahead

Prior to the arrival of COVID-19, some parts of Essex County were thriving. The overall unemployment rate – which had been declining steadily since the Great Recession – was 3% and Essex County was on the tail end of a 21% spike in job growth.

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Strengthening Essex County’s Food System Post-COVID

Food insecurity is among the challenges most exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger relief organization, Essex County’s overall food insecurity rate has increased 72% from 2018-2020, while the child rate has skyrocketed by 123%. Right now in Essex County, 20.6% of children don’t know where they’ll get their next meal. 

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Homelessness in the Midst of a Pandemic

ECCF donors learn about the unique challenges facing nonprofits battling homelessness By Michelle Xiarhos Curran, ECCF Communications Writer   When the COVID-19 pandemic began last March, nonprofits supporting Essex County’s homeless population were blindsided....

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ECCF Awards $810,000 to Youth and Education Nonprofits

Final round of Essex County COVID-19 Response Fund grants address learning loss, opportunity gaps, mental health and more Danvers, MA --- Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF), a nonprofit working to improve the 34 cities and towns of Essex County, is pleased to...

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  1. 175 Andover Street, Suite 101
    Danvers, Massachusetts 01923