our approach
systems philanthropy
ECCF’s unique Systems Philanthropy approach to change invests philanthropic dollars in collaborative, community-based initiatives tackling root causes of systemic social issues and making sustainable, population-level change.
Systems Philanthropy is a new kind of philanthropy that compliments the responsive nature of traditional giving. It is grounded in three main components:

Impactessexcounty.org, ECCF’s county indicator website, maps 100+ data points tracking quality of life across the region and provides the foundational analytics for our community leadership work.

community aligned
The voice of the community is embraced through strategic convening and collaborating to identify and amplify good work already happening.

ECCF is an engaged partner in the work, providing ongoing strategic support and greater financial resources to support long-term goals and deliver lasting outcomes.
systems philanthropy
impact by the numbers
ECCF is continuously learning, shaping, and sharing gained insights from our systems approach to social change. To date, we are encouraged to see increased impact.

invested in systems-based community leadership initiatives

individuals directly supported by systems-change efforts

organizations collaborating to address root causes of our most challenging issues
ECCF’s community leadership work is powered by contributions from our generous community.
systems philanthropy news
Equipment and internet access are key, but training ties it all together
By Michelle Xiarhos Curran ECCF Communications Writer Having a computer and access to the internet is critical to functioning in the everyday world, especially now that so much of what we do happens online. But those things only represent half of the equation. “If you...
Digital equity begins – but doesn’t end – with a reliable device
By Michelle Xiarhos Curran ECCF Communications Writer Melissa Marrama, an insurance executive and avid volunteer from Andover, is known for making good things happen when there is a need anywhere in the community. When she heard about Jeffrey Williams – an Amesbury...
Like electricity and clean water, access to the Internet is a basic need
By Michelle Xiarhos Curran ECCF Communications Writer The Point – a densely populated, culturally diverse neighborhood in north Salem with a large immigrant population – is home to a strong and tight-knit community of residents, students and businesses. It’s also a...
Community Foundations Can Help With Charity
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY NORTH OF BOSTON MEDIA GROUP By Beth Francis The historic events that have taken place over the last 18 months have influenced the role businesses play as catalysts for social reform in our communities. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and...
Collaborative grants set stage for resilient food security ecosystem
COLUMN IN THE SALEM NEWS By Stratton Lloyd and Michelle Xiarhos Curran SEE ORIGINAL COLUMN IN THE SALEM NEWS HERE. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck Essex County, nonprofit organizations working to nourish the region’s most vulnerable residents were among the first in...
read the case study
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get in touch

Stratton Lloyd
President & CEO
(978) 777-8876 x126
community voices
“The partnership between our five Community Action Agencies that has developed over the past two years is truly a testament to systems work. When crisis struck during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to hit the ground running to support our clients. There is a rhythm, a trust, and a true working relationship that is not born overnight. We were hoping that the financial literacy program would create a system change — did it ever.”
-Kerri Perry, Community Action, Inc.
Empowering Economic Opportunity partner