rockport millbrook meadow fund 

The Rockport Millbrook Meadow Fund – to accept and disburse funds on behalf of the Rockport Millbrook Meadow Conservancy. These funds will be used to develop and support initiatives, in partnership with the Town of Rockport and its Department of Public Works, that ensure the maintenance of Millbrook Meadow and Mill Pond as a sustainable landscape for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

Millbrook Meadow and Mill Pond belong to Rockport and offer a special place for our families and friends. For generations, Rockporters and visitors have skated on the Pond, fished in it, and brought their children and grandchildren to visit the ducks. Countless groups have visited the Meadow for picnics, fairs, festivals, and weddings. And each year artists come to capture its unique charm. We have all been able to enjoy this beautiful green jewel right in the heart of our Town.

The Meadow and Pond had been deteriorating for many years. The area suffered from poor drainage, weed and sediment-filled waterways, aging plantings, and large populations of invasive exotic plants. These conditions grew worse each year.

Thanks to a comprehensive two-year restoration we now have a healthy and beautiful Millbrook Meadow and Mill Pond, with four new gardens, a completely reconstructed Brook, a new playground, a granite sculpture of a whale, electrical and water service and replanting throughout.

Restoration continues, and we are pledged to ensure that this beautiful park is kept clean and well-maintained, so that our children and grandchildren may enjoy it. Please make a gift to this important project. Whatever you can give will be appreciated not only by residents and visitors today, but by all those to come in the years ahead.